Second Look Legislation - A Policy Briefing
Modeling Cost Savings Under Second Look
Victoria Burton-Harris, Ashley Carter, Kara Hope, Derrick Jackson, Jana Mathieu, Ron Simpson-BeyDate & time

This policy briefing is the culmination of a project carried out by five Masters of Public Policy students who worked with the American Friends Service Committee’s Michigan Criminal Justice Program in the Strategic Public Policy Consulting course at the Ford School of Public Policy. The students gathered current data on the MDOC prisoner population and modeled the potential cost savings that could be realized under the proposed Second Look legislation in Michigan.
The briefing will begin with a short (~20 minutes) presentation of the students’ project, followed by a panel discussion that will include Rep. Kara Hope, Victoria Burton-Harris (Washtenaw County Prosecutor Office), Ashley Carter (Michigan Justice Fund), Derrick Jackson (Washtenaw County Sheriff Office), Jana Mathieu (Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan), and Ronald Simpson-Bey (Just Leadership USA). We hope you will join us for this discussion (and enjoy the PCAP Art Exhibition tour afterwards).