Six Panels to Cover the Election Process
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation Conference Conference on Electoral Mechanics, Processes, and Expectations for Fair and Credible Elections
Mike Ford, Jason Carter, Susan D. Page, Pam Fessler, Chris Newlon, Tammy PatrickDate & time

In recent years, the process for securing elections has been called into question. So how do elections really work? What systems are in place to ensure open, fair voting for all?
Join us as we examine the inner workings of the election process as well as expectations for staff conduct around elections.
This series is brought to us in partnership with Principles for Trusted Elections and More Perfect’s Sustainable Democracy Goals. Co-chaired by Mike Ford (son of President Ford) and Jason Carter (grandson of President Carter), the Principles for Trusted Elections is an effort to bring awareness to the process insuring fair, safe, and secure elections. More Perfect’s “Five Democracy Goals” were created to collectively support the key cornerstones of a sustainable and vigorous democracy.
The tenets of these programs are essential to maintaining a credible democratic process.