Ford School event in Washington, DC
Don MoynihanDate & time

This year's annual Ford School event in Washington, DC features an engaging policy talk with renowned public management scholar Don Moynihan on the topic of "The administrative state under new leadership" and a networking reception with alumni and students - a highlight for attendees!
Don Moynihan, the J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy, joined the faculty this past fall from Georgetown University. Read more about him in the recent edition of State & Hill or hear him interviewed by the media.
Please stay for a reception to socialize with fellow Fordies and network with current undergraduate and graduate Ford School students. If you recall from past years, the alumni networking reception is the capstone event for our students who are in DC for the Career Exploration Days event, organized by the Ford School’s Career Services team. Please be sure to connect with Casey Sullens, Emma Frazier, Elisabeth Johnston, Gail Tien, Peter Vasher, and Sue Johnson from the Career Services and Development and Alumni Relations teams who will be at the reception.
Making a final reception appearance will be Jennifer Niggemeier, Managing Director of the Leadership Initiative (and former Director of Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations), set to retire later this spring after an accomplished career at the University and Ford School.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
5:45 p.m. - registration
6:00 p.m. - policy talk
7:00-8:30 p.m. - alumni and student networking reception
1777 F Street, NW
The Rockefeller-Peterson Room
Washington, DC 20006
Register by February 3. (If you register after the deadline, you may not receive a nametag.)
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