Financial Risk, Assets, and Poverty
Date & time
Apr 3, 2009,
9:00 am-3:15 pm EDT
Please RSVP to attend this workshop by emailing [email protected], indicating whether you will attend breakfast and/or lunch.
Download the Agenda
April 3, 2009
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall
Fisher Classroom, Room 1220
Continental Breakfast
9:45 AM - 10 AM
Opening Remarks, Introductions
Michael Barr, University of Michigan
10 AM - 11 AM
Testing Long-term Impacts of Individual Development Accounts and Asset Building on Social and Economic Well-being
Michal Grinstein‐Weiss, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; William Gale, The Brookings Institution; William Rohe, Center for Urban and Regional Studies; and Michael Sherraden, Washington University, Center for Social Development
Discussant: Jeffrey Smith, University of Michigan
11 AM - 12 PM
Financial Literacy, Cognitive Biases and Payday Lending
Adair Morse, University of Chicago and Marianne Bertrand, University of Chicago
Discussant: John P. Caskey, Swarthmore College
12 PM - 1 PM
1 PM - 2 PM
Testing Strategies to Increase Saving and Retention in Individual Development Account Programs
Cäzilia Loibl, The Ohio State University; and Emily Haisley, and George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
Discussant: Jane Dokko, Federal Reserve Board
2 PM - 3 PM
A Proposal to Examine the Effect of Relaxed Welfare Asset Rules on Auto Ownership, Employment and Welfare Rolls: A Longitudinal Analysis
Lorien Rice, Mills College and Cynthia Bansak, St. Lawrence University
Discussant: Jim Sullivan, Notre Dame University
3 PM - 3:15 PM
Concluding Remarks
Rebecca Blank, The Brookings Institution