Celebrate the Past and Chart the Future: The U-M celebrates the Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Celebrate the Past and Chart the Future: The U-M celebrates the Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary

Date & time

Oct 1-16, 2024, 12:00 am-4:49 pm EDT


The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
At 2:00 a.m. on October 14, 1960 Senator John F. Kennedy delivered an impromptu speech on the steps of the Michigan Union that sparked our students to action, launched the program that JFK referred to as one of his proudest achievements, and defined international service for the past 50 years. This historical event is a point of pride for us at Michigan, and one that continues to inspire Americans of all generations to accept Kennedy's challenge to work for peace and social justice in developing nations.

In celebration of this golden anniversary, the University of Michigan is planning a series of events and programs during Fall Semester 2010 that will foster student learning and development, engage our faculty and staff, demonstrate U-M's leadership in international education and service-learning, and help define international service for the next 50 years.

[Details, stories, videos, and more]