Alumni from the San Francisco area gathered to connect with former classmates and fellow alumni at CAV Wine Bar and Kitchen in San Francisco. Meredith Fowlie, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics, gave brief remarks about her research on environmental economics and policy, including work on market-based environmental regulations.
'Assessed by a Teacher Like Me: Race, Gender, and Subjective Evaluations.' Amine Ouazad, Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science, INSEAD. 3rd Floor Seminar Room, Weill Hall, 735 South State Street. See the paper.
Dr. Pianta is Dean of the Curry School of Education, as well as the Novartis Professor of Education and Director of the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia. A former special education teacher, Dr. Pianta's research focuses on investigating the effects of schooling on children's social and academic outcomes and on improving school and classroom experiences through teachers' professional development. He has been involved in developing observational assessments of classrooms and observationally-based systems for professional development. Dr.
David Broder, national political columnist for the Washington Post, will be speaking at the Ford Library on north campus on Tuesday, 11/18. Details: Broder will discuss the political
landscape following last week's elections.
He will stop by the Ford School the next morning for breakfast and a small-group discussion about the same topic with any interested faculty, students, and staff.
Ford School
3rd floor seminar room
Wednesday, November 19, 9:00 - 10:00a
Broder has covered every national election since 1960.
A panel discussion hosted by the student organization Women and Gender in Public Policy (WGPP). Panelists will discuss their career paths.
Panelists: State Representative Rebekah Warren (D-53); Sharon Rothwell, former Governor Engler's Chief of Staff; The Honorable Nancy C. Francis, an elected Washtenaw County circuit judge.
Daniel Lee KleinmanProfessor of Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Co-Sponsored by the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment
4:00-5:30pm in the Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
Global Policy Perspectives Syimposium: Effects of the US Election on the European Union
Click here for a poster of all 2008-2009 Global Policy Perspectives Sympoisa with the featured speakers.
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series
Alberto Trejos, the Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, will focus his presentation on the evolution of Costa Rica's decision to join the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). In addition to addressing the implications of a Costa Rica-United States free trade agreement, Dr.
Join Shobita Parthasarathy and other community members to talk about technology and the election in 2008. This will be an informal conversation to discuss how technology shaped the 2008 presidential election process as well as how the election influenced technology; come and share your thoughts. The event will be hosted by Ford School Webmaster Chris Myers. An RSVP is encouraged - fspp-secondlife at Not already 'In world'?
Yazier Henry is a poet, writer and a professional human rights activist. He has written and published on the politics of memory, trauma, identity, sustainable peace and Truth Commissions. He is the founding Director of the Direct Action Centre for Peace and Memory in Cape Town, South Africa. In South Africa, he works on social reintegration programs with former combatants, political prisoners, and torture survivors. Henry currently lectures at the Gerald R.
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Ford Classroom, 1110 Weill Hall
735 S. State Street, Ann Arbor
The war in Iraq has fueled longstanding controversy over U.S.-based efforts to promote democracy throughout the world. Kenneth Wollack is the president of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), one of the most prominent nongovernmental organizations in this field. NDI's mission is 'to provide practical assistance to civic and political leaders advancing democratic values, practices and institutions.
Betty Ford Classroom, 1110 Weill Hall
735 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI
Speakers are Ford School MPP student Jeff S. Barnes, Former U.S. Army Captain and Ground Cavalry Troop Commander during the Iraq War; Taryn Barnes, Former U.S. Army Captain, Air Cavalry Reconnaissance Pilot and Platoon Leader during the Iraq War; P. Onni Hynninen, Former U.S. Army Captain, Troop Executive Officer, Scout Platoon Leader during the Iraq War; and Johnnie Farmer, Former Operations Sergeant Major during the Iraq War.
This panel discussion will feature experts in the environment, energy, and economics for a discussion on how the policies of the presidential candidates will impact Michigan. They will be joined by advocates for both the Obama and McCain campaigns. Listen to the discussion, and ask your questions. Panelists:Democratic surrogate: Mark Brewer, State Democratic Party chairRepublican surrogate: Joe Schwarz, Former Congressman (Michigan 7th District)Economy expert: Charles L.
The Global Urban Symposium is a multidisciplinary forum at the University of Michigan with a focus on urban metropolises. The Symposium is hosted by the Ross School of Business and its Net Impact organization, with financial support from CLOSUP and other organizations. This day-long conference explores the role that the private, public and non-profit sectors play in addressing the challenges facing cities around the globe. This year's conference will include sessions featuring leaders of major companies and organizations.
Global Urban Symposium. October 10, 2008 (day-long event). Hosted by the Ross School of Business and its Net Impact organization, this event is co-sponsored by CLOSUP. A day-long conference in Ann Arbor that explores the role that the private, public and nonprofit sectors play in addressing the challenges facing cities around the globe. See more information here.
We invite you to attend an upcoming information session about the Ford School B.A. Professor John Chamberlin, faculty director of the undergraduate program, will describe the degree program and will be available to answer questions. The Ford School B.A. Is a junior/senior program. The application deadline for the next class is February 1, 2009.
Susan Waltz, professor of Public Policy, is a 2008-2009 Human Rights Fellow at University of Michigan. Waltz has been active in international human rights work for more than 25 years. Early in her career she worked as an area expert and human rights advocate to stop torture and political imprisonment in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya. She has testified before the U.S. Congress on human rights practices in North Africa, and she has testified as expert witness for North African refugees in U.S.
Michael GoldmanAssociate Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota
Commentary by Jonathan Levine, Professor and Chair of the Urban & Regional Planning Program, University of Michigan Department of Urban and Regional Planning.
Co-Sponsored by the University of Michigan School of Information
4:00-5:30pm in the Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
This seminar will feature Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat (Duke University) discussing the paper written by herself and Christina Gibson-Davis (Duke University).
Kerwin Kofi Charles Lectures Steans Family Professor at the Harris School, University of Chicago Scholar in Residence at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Lectures are co-sponsored by the National Poverty Center.
Kerwin Kofi Charles Lectures Steans Family Professor at the Harris School, University of Chicago Scholar in Residence at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Lectures are co-sponsored by the National Poverty Center.
David Marash has nearly 50 years of experience in broadcast journalism. Most recently, he anchored news from Washington for the global news channel, Al Jazeera English and he served for 16 years as the chief international correspondent for ABC News Nightline. In the ever-expanding world of global communication, there are lots of 'new media' like internet and mobile phone links for the transmission of text, voice and pictures, and literally a world of new players guiding the still dominant 'mainstream media,' but for all that, content still matters.
'Do Gun Buybacks Save Lives?' Andrew Leigh, Associate Professor, Economics Program, Research School of Social Sciences at Australian National University. 3rd Floor Seminar Room, Weill Hall, 735 South State Street.
Tentative Program:
Presenters: Elizabeth Bruch, Scott Page, Dan Brown
Discussants: Ken Kollman, Walter Mebane
This mini-conference is part of the 25th Annual Summer Conference of the Society for Political Methodology. [More information.]
DC alumni enjoyed food, conversation, and baseball with other alumni and students at Nationals Park during a reception and the Nationals/L.A. Angels game.