Ford School alum Sukhi Dosanjh (MPP '01) featured in Oakland Tribune article | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Ford School alum Sukhi Dosanjh (MPP '01) featured in Oakland Tribune article

June 9, 2010

Sukhi Dosanjh, a 2001 Ford School MPP graduate, is profiled in an Oakland Tribune article titled "East Bay native helping farmers in Afghanistan." Dosanjh has been in Afghanistan since August 2009 managing a $225 million U.S. foreign aid program. The program, run by USAID, is designed to help Afghan farmers learn to grow and manage crops such as pomegranates, grapes, and apricots as an alternative to the lucrative poppy industry. Though her post is considered a "hardship post" and not without danger and a certain amount of isolation, Dosanjh told the Oakland Tribune that her experience has been incredible in terms of learning opportunities and she doesn't regret her time spent in Kabul.