In the news: Michigan Public Policy Survey on job performance of Governor Snyder, Michigan Legislature | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

In the news: Michigan Public Policy Survey on job performance of Governor Snyder, Michigan Legislature

July 25, 2012

The Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy released a new Michigan Public Policy Survey about the popularity of Michigan's governor today. The survey, which polled 1,329 county and municipal officials, has quickly attracted media attention from outlets such as the Detroit News and Michigan Radio.

The survey asked local government leaders to evaluate the job performance of Governor Rick Snyder and the Michigan Legislature over the past year. The results showed an increase in the governor's positive approval ratings from 37% of local leaders rating his performance as good or excellent in 2011 up to 49% in 2012. Relative to the governor's performance, the Michigan Legislature received lower positive ratings with only 27% of local officials rating its performance as good or excellent. This figure, however, is up from 21% in 2011.

Read the full survey or news coverage: