New endowed funds for student support
The Ford School has created two new permanent endowment funds to help commemorate the Ford School's Centennial; 100 years of public policy at UM. These funds give alumni and friends the chance to contribute endowed student financial aid and shape the next century of the school.
The Ford School Graduate Centennial Fund will be an endowed fund used to support graduate student fellowships, internships, travel, professional development, and other initiatives to enhance the student experience at the Ford School.
The Ford School Future Leaders Fund will be an endowed fund used to support undergraduate student fellowships, internships, travel, professional development, and other initiatives to enhance the student experience at the Ford School.
Q. First donors to the new Graduate Centennial and Future Leaders Funds?
A. Dean Susan M. Collins and her husband, Dr. Donald R. Vereen Jr., director of the University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center.
Q. Why a gift to student support?
A. "Financial support was essential to both of us for our graduate degrees, so that made it a no brainer. We wouldn't be doing what we're doing now if it hadn't been for student support."
Q. Why give to an endowment?
A. "We're committed to and really excited about the school's future. Plus, we know how well the University stewards endowed funds."
Q. What's special about Ford School students?
A. What's not special about Ford School students! Their spirit, collegiality, smarts, creativity…There's a lot to love."
Q. Fun photo! What's the story?
A. Our kids, Ana and Alec, have grown up in Ann Arbor; they were 10 and 13 when we moved here from Washington, DC. Ana chose this spot for her senior photo, and we asked the photographer to get a family shot, too. It's hard to believe that Ana is a sophomore in college and Alec will graduate from high school next year; the years here have flown.