Meijer's impeachment vote makes it "significantly more challenging" for Republican Senate nomination - Ivacko

November 6, 2023 Newsweek

Tom Ivacko, Newsweek: "Criticism of Trump is one thing, but a vote to impeach is another, and won't easily be forgotten or forgiven by MAGA voters. So while many politicians can pivot or change their appeal to various factions, MAGA voters would be a very tough sell for Meijer," he said.

Ivacko noted the Michigan GOP's disfunction could also make it more difficult for Meijer and other statewide Republicans to get elected next year. Meanwhile, the presidential election, including Trump's legal affairs and Biden's approval rating, could also affect turnout for downballot races.

"If Trump has been convicted of a serious crime and is somehow still the GOP nominee, I would expect that to help Democrats more than Republicans in a state like Michigan," Ivacko said.