Six Ford School alumni have been elected by their peers to serve on the Alumni Board. The newly elected members bring experience in finance, consulting, government, and more. The elected members are:
- Alli Berry (BA '19)
- Brenda Duverce (MPP '16)
- Grace Evans (MPP '16) - re-elected
- Eliza Pollack (MPP '10)
- David Tannenbaum (BA '16)
- Janani Yates (MPP '13)
This is the first election cycle under new bylaws that adjusts the number of representatives to four graduate alumni (previously five) and two undergraduate alumni (previously one). The newly elected members’ term will begin on January 1, 2023, and conclude on December 31, 2025. Their first meeting of the new term will be held on March 31, 2023.
Five Ford School alumni have finished their service as members of the board. Outgoing members brought expertise and passion, and helped bring the community closer during the pandemic through online events and forums, including Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day events in 2020, 2021, and 2022. These alumni include:
- Portia Hemphill (PhD ‘15)
- Sylvia Herzog (MPP/MBA '88)
- Omair Khan (MPP ‘18)
- David Leapheart (BA ‘10)
- Mellie Torres (MPP '97)
About the Ford School Alumni Board
Alumni Board members work to increase the Ford School's visibility; strengthen the school's alumni network; and assist the school with student recruitment, career services, and alumni relations activities. Recent Alumni Board initiatives supporting the activities of the Ford School include engagement with prospective students, the annual Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, fundraising efforts for student support, and student professional development opportunities such as office hours and mock interviews.
Alumni Board members serve three-year terms and six seats open for election each year to encourage broad alumni involvement and representation.