Paula Lantz, James B. Hudak Professor of health Policy, has been named to a new commission convened by the prestigious medical journal The Lancet. The commission is tasked with recommending how to enable communities to prepare for, resist, and rapidly recover from interconnected global challenges such as pandemics and climate change. “The Lancet Commission on U.S. Societal Resilience in a Global Pandemic Age: Lessons for the Present from the Future” will operate over the next four years.
The commission’s work will begin with planning and community building, which will lay the foundation for the commission’s research, help establish objectives, and lead to the formation of collaborative teams. Then, the commission will conduct fact-finding and landscape analysis by examining case studies in the U.S. and internationally and engaging with stakeholders at every level from local communities to international organizations like the United Nations. Finally, the commission will conduct collaborative simulation and speculative design to produce a report focused on diverse threats and opportunities and their impacts on the future. They will also create strategic roadmaps with policy recommendations to help communities towards becoming more resilient against modern problems.
More than 20 international commissioners from fields including economics, policy, media, technology and environmental science will contribute their expertise. They include:
- Eliah Aronoff-Spencer, UC San Diego School of Medicine (chair)
- Richard Carpiano, UC Riverside (co-chair)
- Lara Vojnov, Global Health Impact Group (co-chair)
- Berit Anderson, Strategic News Service
- Reed Berkowitz, Curiouser LLC
- Rick Bright, Bright Global Health
- Renee DiResta, Stanford Internet Observatory
- Patricia Garcia, School of Public Health, Cayetano Heredia University (UPCH)
- Tina George Karippacheril, World Bank Group
- M. Chris Gibbons, Greystone Group, Inc.
- Richard Gold, McGill University Faculty of Law
- Shannon Hader, American University School of International Service
- Mark S. Handcock, UCLA Department of Statistics and Data Science
- Linda A. Hill, Harvard Business School
- Sean Hillier, York University School of Health Policy & Management
- Ilesh Jani, Mozambique Ministry of Health
- Paula Lantz, University of Michigan Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
- Bill Lober, University of Washington Department of Global Health
- Mohsen Malekinejad, UC San Francisco School of Medicine
- Jonna Mazet, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
- Camille Nebeker, UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
- Anita Raj, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
- Stuart “Stu” Sandin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
- Robert “Chip” Schooley, UC San Diego School of Medicine
- Davey Smith, UC San Diego School of Medicine
- Steffanie Strathdee, UC San Diego School of Medicine
- Steve Wanyee, IntelliSOFT
Read the original announcement from UC San Diego
The Lancet article announcing the commission is available online at “Announcing the Lancet Commission on US Societal Resilience in a Global Pandemic Age: Lessons for the Present from the Future.”