Starting this semester, Ford School students will have a new opportunity to earn recognition for their work in the field of health policy. The Ali Family Memorial Prize will be awarded annually to a Ford School student or group of students for...
Former Center for Racial Justice Fellow Julian Brave NoiseCat, along with co-director Emily Kassie, received the United States Directing Award for the Documentary Sugarcane at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. Sugarcane follows an investigation...
Commencement 2025On Sunday, May 4th at Hill Auditorium, the Ford School will celebrate the 186 students who have earned PhD, MPA, MPP, or BA degrees in public policy.In many ways, our Commencement will feel a lot like the ceremony that the Ford...
Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan last year informed the largest-ever increase in state funding for youth homelessness programs, advised federal policymakers on place-based strategies for tackling poverty and laid the groundwork for...
“Achieving the alignment of what’s needed and what students are learning has profound implications for our shared economic prosperity. The United States is undergoing a massive workforce restructuring. While college affordability is really...