| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Detroit: Bee City USA

September 2019 - December 2019
The students worked with Detroit Hives to establish Detroit as an office Bee City.  They prepared the official application to Bee City USA and laid the groundwork for the passage of a Detroit City Council...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Maritime Security in Azerbaijan

September 2019 - December 2019
The students provided a concept paper which analyzed the feasibility of the US Government working with the Government of Azerbaijan to develop its capacity to provide maritime security in the Caspian Sea as a block on...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Expanding Access to Higher Education

September 2019 - December 2019
The student team assisted the partner in navigating the legal and governmental requirements for possible expansion of their programs into additional...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Buena Vista Grocery Store Feasibility Assessment

September 2019 - December 2019
The student team conducted a grocery store feasibility study to help the community determine if the Township has the necessary traffic to support a full service grocery store and also help to determine the best location as well as the best type of grocery store for the...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Michigan Consensus Policy: Fall 2019 & Winter 2020

October 2019 - April 2020
This policy project is focused on displaced workers in Michigan. The students will provide research assistance looking at the effects of technology on middle skill workers, The research findings will be used to inform strategies for re-engaging workers displaced by...
Program in Practical Policy Projects

Collaboration to Enhance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

October 2019 - December 2019
The student research assistant created a menu of avenues for the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy and the Huron Clinton Metro Parks to work together in moving forward with a public-private...

AI in society: A cautionary tale

Nov 29, 2023 0:05:23

Experts working in artificial intelligence, from technological to public policy roles, discuss this turning point in AI and what it means for the future

AI in society: A look into the future

Nov 29, 2023 0:04:11

Experts working in artificial intelligence, from technological to public policy roles, discuss this turning point in AI and what it means for the future

Program in Practical Policy Projects

Strategic Planning Consultancy with ACCESS

January 2020 - April 2020
The student provided ACCESS with strategic planning support, including qualitative program evaluation (survey design and implementation, focus groups), agency-wide theory of change model, etc., to help streamline internal...