Center on Finance, Law & Policy (CFLP)

The Center on Finance, Law & Policy at the University of Michigan is an interdisciplinary research center which draws together faculty and students from more than a dozen of Michigan’s nineteen schools and colleges to work on a broad range of...

Conversations Across Differences

The Ford School is committed to playing a leading role in rebuilding a public discourse that is nonpartisan, evidence-based, and inclusive.  Our graduate and undergraduates students are training to be civic and national leaders. We aim to deepen...

State & Hill magazine

State & Hill, the print magazine of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, is a bi-annual publication featuring stories about the school's students, alumni, and faculty. Feature articles vary in each issue, and generally highlight noteworthy...

Celebrating the Classes of 2020

Due to the novel coronavirus, in-person commencement celebrations have been postponed across all three University of Michigan campuses. This postponement includes the Ford School commencement ceremony, originally planned for May 2nd. We promise to...

The Ford Legacy

The legacy lives on Gerald R. Ford (AB '35, HLLD '74) attended the University of Michigan as a pre-law student majoring in economics and political science—he was also an MVP football player who worked two jobs, including waiting tables at the...

Bachelor of Arts in public policy

We face unprecedented, complex public challenges. Our world needs the efforts of an energetic, committed, creative generation, prepared to lead.

Student organizations

Student organizations are an integral part of the Ford School community—they recruit policymakers and scholars to speak at the school, provide a forum for students to discuss and take action on shared policy interests, raise money for deserving...