Join Brent McIntosh, UM alumna and former Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs for a discussion of the power, limits, and risks of economic sanctions as a tool of U.S. statecraft and the evolution of institutions of global financial coordination.
The average amount the Tooth Fairy gives children has jumped by 16%, to $6.23. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed the economics behind the rise.
"The children of America are getting what their parents are not:...
As the United States heads toward its debt-ceiling deadline, political leaders are posturing as they struggle to find a compromise to prevent default. In response, over 200 U.S. economists, including Professor Betsey Stevenson, sent a letter to...
Betsey Stevenson, NPR Marketplace: "This is one of those things where we all have rules of thumb, because they’re just easier to remember. So the first Friday of the month is way easier to remember than the actual...
Barry Rabe, Newsweek: "I'm just looking at the numbers: you would need to triple existing nuclear capacity to replace gas and maintain existing nuclear [production]. That would be a massive, massive build-out. The timelines for that are significant....
Javed Ali, ABC News: "As the ADL and other organizations have recently noted, there remains a high level of threats from individuals with white supremacist and neo-Nazi views against Jewish communities across the United States. Twitter and other...
Melvyn Levitsky, Money Control: "(Biden's visit to Ukraine) shows the US’s and NATO’s support for Ukraine. It is also a warning to Russia and Putin not to escalate. Putin knows that a nuclear exchange would destroy Russia as well as a number of...
Javed Ali, Newsweek: "Xi has to make a decision about how to manage that relationship with Russia, and what's most important about that in the fight against Ukraine versus China's biggest strategic ambitions. If the intelligence case was that China...