| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Angela Harrelson: Masterclass in Activism

Jan 20, 2023 1:21:57

With Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes, Angela Harrelson, aunt of George Floyd and author of Lift Your Voice will share her journey into racial justice activism and her work in this space. January, 2023.

In the Media

Stevenson analyzes gender gap in retirement savings

Dec 27, 2022 NPR Marketplace
Betsey Stevenson, NPR Marketplace: Saving for retirement is harder for women because they generally earn less over their lifetimes, said Betsey Stevenson, an economist at the University of Michigan. “For a large number of reasons,” she...
In the Media

Ali breaks down January 6 report

Dec 23, 2022 CBC
Javed Ali, CBC: "With the different recommendations from the committee report, this is probably the most interesting one. But also the one, that at least from a legal perspective, may be very difficult to achieve. My understanding is that unless...
In the Media

Leiser applauds Financial Data Transparency Act

Dec 26, 2022 XBRL US
Stephanie Leiser, XBRL US: "Making government financial data open and accessible to all is the right thing to do, and it is long overdue. Financial transparency is absolutely essential to maintaining trust between governments and the public. Equally...
In the Media

Naas talks trade, entrepreneurship, and female empowerment

Dec 22, 2022 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Penny Naas, U.S. Chamber of Commerce: "Through our experiences and research, we have discovered four main challenges affecting women entrepreneurs from being involved in trade. A knowledge gap highlights the need to continue educating women...
In the Media

Ali on the impact of Ukraine acquiring air defense system

Dec 22, 2022 TRT World
Javed Ali, TRT World: "It sounds like President Zelenskyy will get some of what he had requested previously from the U.S. government, including this one Patriot air defense system. But it’s only one system, and one system alone is not going to...
In the Media

Dominguez discusses the impact of Japan's increasing interest rates

Dec 21, 2022 Marketplace
Kathryn Dominguez, NPR Marketplace: Higher interest rates can also help Japan combat inflation more generally. And that could help other countries too, said Kathryn Dominguez, an economics professor at the University of Michigan. "If all...
In the Media

Wolfers provides 2023 economic forecast

Dec 21, 2022 In the Bubble
Justin Wolfers, In the Bubble: "(Inflation’s) almost certainly peaked. That’s the mainstream view among both Wall Street and academic economists right now. The Fed’s own forecasts show that it expects inflation to fall relatively dramatically over...
In the Media

Ciorciari breaks down state of war in Ukraine

Dec 19, 2022 Newsweek
John Ciorciari, Newsweek: "The war is now in an extended, grinding phase. The first full winter under sanctions will invite dissent within Russia, especially after Putin's much-criticized mobilization effort. Putin needs to show some credible wins...