| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

An assessment of Michigan's redistricting process

Dec 5, 2022
In the aftermath of the first election that used newly-drawn districts in Michigan, created by an independent citizen’s commission, the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy and the Program in Practical Policy Engagement hosted a Policy Talk to...
EPI Speaker Series

Teacher Diversity and Student Success: Why Racial Representation Matters in the Classroom

Jan 24, 2023, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
1120 Weill Hall (Annenberg Auditorium)
Diversifying the teaching force could be a key step to closing student achievement gaps and moving schools closer to equity goals. In their book, Teacher Diversity and Student Success: Why Racial Representation Matters in the Classroom, Seth Gershenson, Brookings Senior Fellow Michael Hansen, and Constance Lindsay present nuanced policy recommendations to increase teacher diversity in classrooms and promote more inclusive schools.   

EPI examines education impacts of the Flint Water Crisis

Dec 4, 2022
Eight years ago, the Flint water crisis captured national attention when the city’s tap water was shown to be contaminated with lead. Since then, researchers have been rigorously studying this crisis and measuring the effects of this lead exposure...

Fordies make their mark on the 2022 midterms

Dec 9, 2022
Ford School alumni and students played a key part in upholding democracy during the 2022 midterms—running for office, knocking on doors, and working at polling stations, up and down the ballot, across Michigan and around the country. Several...

University of Michigan winter commencement

Dec 18, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm EST
Crisler Center
Be present for the campus-wide University of Michigan Winter Commencement, where undergraduates and masters degree recipients process onto the stage, PhD candidates process across the stage, and honorary degrees are conferred.
Watch live from this page
In the Media

Ali on impact of Oath Keepers' convictions on far-right movement

Dec 7, 2022 TRT World
Javed Ali, TRT World: "I would argue that it will not end far-right extremism or anti-government movements and groups. Now, in the case of the Oath Keepers, it may have an impact on structurally tearing this group apart. Even if the Oath Keepers as...