| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Ostfeld analyzes views of Latino Republican voters

Nov 9, 2022 NBC News
Mara Ostfeld, NBC News: "Latino Republican voters appear more progressive than white Republican voters on key issues like abortion and climate change, according to NBC News exit polls. While they are like-minded on some issues, there are significant...
In the Media

Ali weighs in on Putin, state of war in Ukraine

Nov 8, 2022 HuffPost
Javed Ali, HuffPost: "It just reinforces the perception of who Putin is and how sort of diabolical this strategy of his is, and the list of potential war crimes keeps getting longer. If Russia isn’t already a pariah country, it would absolutely...
In the Media

El-Sayed discusses the effectiveness of Obama's midterm remarks

Nov 5, 2022 The New Republic
Abdul El-Sayed, The New Republic: "Obama in his remarks reminds Democrats of how to “hit back”—how to remind Americans that beyond the “inflation” talking points are real people living real lives—and that Republican plans would simply make their...
In the Media

Lantz discusses role of abortion in high voter turnout

Nov 8, 2022 Exame
Paula Lantz, Exame: "In the US, where there is a historic emphasis on freedom and the limits of government intrusion in freedom of religion and expression, it is difficult to defend that the State should interfere in a personal and individual...