| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Bednar on Trump's influence in 2022 election

Nov 16, 2022 The New York Times
Jenna Bednar, The New York Times: "(Trump’s allure) has faded in many states. Even before the election, we saw signs of voter exhaustion with all things Trump. Here in Michigan, in the final weeks of the campaign many Republican candidates...
In the Media

Ali provides insight on school threats

Nov 15, 2022 WXYZ Detroit
Javed Ali, WXYZ Detroit: "In advance of significant anniversaries, especially inside the U.S., we would really raise the security levels. We have to adopt the, ‘See something, Say something’ mantra or model that has become the post-9/11...
In the Media

El-Sayed discusses "tripledemic"

Nov 15, 2022 America Dissected
Abdul El-Sayed, America Dissected: "If you talk to any pediatrician, there’s one big thing on their mind, RSV. Short for respiratory syncytial virus, RSV is a common virus that can cause serious illness and even death in young children. And that’s...
In the Media

El-Sayed analyzes results of midterms

Nov 15, 2022 Detroit Metro Times
Abdul El-Sayed, Detroit Metro Times: "Democracy was decidedly on the ballot these midterms. Dozens of election deniers were running for seats involving elections administration. Several won, just not in communities where they can influence important...
In the Media

Wolfers compares corporate profits and inflation

Nov 15, 2022 NPR
Justin Wolfers, NPR: "Corporations have celebrated higher prices in their earnings calls ever since the history of the earnings call. Blaming inflation on greed is like blaming a plane crash on gravity. Corporations have always tried to raise prices...

Public policy for good: Building a just and inclusive society

Dec 5, 2022, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
U.S. Capitol North Congressional Meeting Room
Come and meet the leaders of some of the top public policy schools in the country in a special event hosted by U.S. Representative Joyce Beatty (D-OH) and sociologist Celeste Watkins-Hayes, interim dean of the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.