| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

States can take advantage of energy price hikes - Raimi

Jun 12, 2022
While high energy prices are hurting consumers, there are ways in which state governments can benefit from the spikes to create more resilient communities in the long-term, Ford School lecturer Daniel Raimi writes in Resources. “For some states,...
In the Media

Dominguez: Some positives in weakened dollar

Jun 12, 2022 China Daily
A recent panel of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal & Monetary Policy and the Brookings Institution featuring Ford School professor Kathryn Dominguez examined the potential softening of the U.S. dollar as the world's dominant currency. The China Daily...
In the Media

Catherine Hausman on the cost of soaring gas prices

Jun 10, 2022 Bloomberg
"There's very little the administration or Congress can do on gasoline prices. This is part of a world market. This is just basic supply and demand." Catherine Hausman discusses how high gas prices affect Europe's energy market and U.S. climate...