| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Wolfers notes ambiguity in current strength of the economy

Apr 29, 2022 Bloomberg
Bloomberg reports that the Covid-19 pandemic, now in its third year, has turned into a catalyst for lasting economic change, which will outlast the disease. Ford School economics professor Justin Wolfers notes that on the one hand the economy has...

DNEP +ISLB internship begins May 4

May 4, 2022
A natural extension of the interdisciplinary Detroit Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Project, the DNEP +ISLB offers students an intensive hands-on experience working collaboratively with fellow students to run a multidisciplinary student staffing agency...

Outdoor graduation firsts for three U-M schools

Apr 28, 2022
Three University of Michigan units have partnered to hold their respective ceremonies at Elbel Field this year. Together, and in partnership with U-M Rec Sports, the Ford School of Public Policy, School of Public Health, and School for...