| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Wolfers weighs in on war in Ukraine and inflation

Mar 14, 2022
Inflation continues to dominate headlines as Americans worry about rising prices everywhere from housing to the gas pump. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, provided some insight into the state of the economy. "There’s no...
In the Media

Stange comments on decreased enrollment rates

Mar 14, 2022 Bridge Michigan
Public school districts saw a drop in enrollment during the pandemic, with parents moving their students to private schools with COVID-19 rules parents were happier with. Enrollment rates are staying steady, a sign that those parents have decided to...
In the Media

How we should think about the government's budget - Leiser

Mar 14, 2022 WXYZ
Many Americans use the analogy of a pie to think about the government budget. But, Sarah Leiser, lecturer of public policy and leader of the Michigan Local Government Fiscal Health Project at CLOSUP, says there's another way to think about...
In the Media

Ali discusses risks of sending weapons to Ukraine

Mar 13, 2022 The Mehdi Hasan Show
While the United States is doing its best to support Ukraine, Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, discussed the risks that providing weapons to the country creates. "It looks like we are already implementing a similar campaign...

Ford School 2020 Comeback Commencement reception

May 6, 2022, 3:30-5:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Great Hall
The Ford School invites graduates from the class of 2020, who are planning to attend the University’s 2020 Comeback Commencement, to an afternoon reception at Weill Hall.

Welcome HoMe celebration

Sep 23, 2022, 3:30-8:00 pm EDT
Sep 24, 2022, 12:00-3:30 pm EDT
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall
The Ford School warmly welcomes back our graduates for Homecoming this fall!  

Mind over matter

Mar 24, 2022, 4:30-6:00 pm EDT
Policy and public sector professionals talk about their experiences battling stigmas while sharing useful tips on how to navigate emotions and feelings in the professional world.

Greetings from the Dean - The Briefing, March 2022

Mar 16, 2022
Dear friends, Our minds have been very much focused these past few weeks on the horrors of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ford School faculty Javed Ali, Melvyn Levitsky and John Ciorciari, director of the International Policy Center and Weiser...