| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Immigration reform and racial justice

Feb 17, 2022 0:59:07

Ann Chih Lin discusses the impact of immigration reform policies as part of a larger struggle to advance racial justice. February, 2022.


Wolfers weighs in on inflation

Feb 16, 2022
Americans are becoming increasingly worried about inflation. Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed the Federal Reserve's current approach to intervening in the economy to address the issue. "The mechanism by which...

The history of racial covenants in Ann Arbor

Feb 24, 2022, 12:00 pm EST
1210 Weill Hall
Join the Domestic Policy Corps to learn from Justice InDeed, an interdisciplinary group working to eliminate racially restrictive covenants from thousands of existing deeds across Washtenaw County.