| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Kohn Collaborative for Social Policy

The Kohn Collaborative for Social Policy is a Ford School hub that will catalyze interdisciplinary research and policy impact to promote social equity and inclusion. The collaborative consists of three pillars: Kohn Professors, Kohn Scholars, and...

Stevenson on why the economy is waiting for workers

Oct 20, 2021
As the economy recovers, workers are holding out for better compensation and benefits.  “It’s like the whole country is in some kind of union renegotiation,” Betsey Stevenson told the New York Times. “I don’t know who’s going to win in this...
In the Media

Bloodbath for incumbents isn't a bad thing - Chamberlin

Oct 20, 2021 Bloomberg Government
Michigan's redistricting commission is not allowed to consider incumbency as it redraws the state's districts. John Chamberlin told Bloomberg Government that the headaches it's causing for both major parties means it is working. “A bloodbath for...

Pilkauskas evaluates ways to strengthen the Child Tax Credit

Oct 19, 2021
New Research from Natasha Pilkauskas and Poverty Solutions studied the reach of the Child Tax Credit. Pilkauskas explained to Yahoo! Money that some families might not receive the benefits that they are eligible for, specifically Spanish-speaking...