| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Ford School students to be honored as CEW+ Scholars

Oct 27, 2021
The Center for the Education of Women (CEW+) will honor seven Ford School master’s students at the 2021 Center for the Education of Women Virtual Awards Celebration. The event celebrates students who have persevered, despite experiencing an...

2021-2022: Nationalist extremism

Home | About | 2021-2022 Nationalist extremism | 2020-2021 Climate change | Previous years In recent years, right-wing nationalist extremism has been a rising concern in the United States, Canada, and increasingly in Mexico. The rise of far-right...

2021 Distinguished University Professorship lectures

Nov 3, 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Michigan League Ballroom
Three faculty members who have been recognized with one of the University of Michigan’s highest honors—including the Ford School's Earl Lewis and John Ayanian—will discuss their professional and scholarly experiences.

Rucker C. Johnson: Racial foundations of education policy

Oct 26, 2021 1:13:00

Dr. Rucker C. Johnson will join Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes in conversation on the Racial foundations of education policy. This talk is part of the Center for Racial Justice's Racial Foundations of Public Policy series. October, 2021.

Water diplomacy in the Middle East: Israel, Jordan and Palestine

Nov 8, 2021, 11:30 am-12:45 pm EST
Nov 12, 2021, 2:00-5:00 pm EST
3240 Weill (Monday) 1210 Weill (Friday)
Students will learn the laws that influence water diplomacy in the Middle East and later represent Israel, Jordan and Palestine in a simulation to identify mechanisms that can enable more sustainable water management in the region.