| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
North American Colloquium

Historical drivers of nationalist extremism in North America

Oct 28, 2021, 12:30-1:30 pm EDT
Experts from the Autonomous National University of Mexico, University of Toronto, and University of Michigan discussed the local and transnational factors giving rise to far-right social movements and policies in each country. 
In the Media

Shaefer applauds direct payments to address poverty

Oct 20, 2021 NC Policy Watch
“There’s a question of what we do during severe recessions: What we did [during the pandemic] worked, and it worked better than anything we’ve ever done before,” Luke Shaefer told NC Policy Watch. “… If we ever wondered if the well-being of families...
In the Media

Eisenberg comments on home repairs in Detroit

Oct 22, 2021 The Detroit Free Press
Home repairs are in high demand in Detroit, highlighted by 4,800 Detroiters applying for a roof repair program. Alexa Eisenberg, doctoral candidate and researcher with Poverty Solutions, weighed in on the issue. "Focusing on roof repairs is...

Kohn Collaborative celebratory t-shirt pickup

Nov 3, 2021, All Day
Weill Hall
We've ordered special Kohn Collaborative t-shirts for the entire community! Please wear yours to Weill Hall on November 3rd to show your pride in the Ford School and your commitment to the public good.
PubPol 750.005

PubPol 750.005: Topics: Data for Policy Analysis

This class will meet in person on: January 19 January 24 January 26 January 28 - Lab (10:00-11:50am, 3117 Weill Hall) January 31 February 2 February 4 - Lab (10:00-11:50am, 3117 Weill...