The history of intelligence in the United States is long and complex, beginning with the origins of the Republic through the modern era both before and after 9/11. Over this stretch of time, tensions have existed between balancing the need...
This course explores how gender and sexuality both influence and are influenced by U.S. politics and public policy, with a particular focus on their intersections with other systems of...
Diplomacy (using non-lethal means to manage interstate relations and foreign threats) and statecraft (managing state power to promote national interests) are the key tools by which a nation's foreign policy is...
This course will provide an overview of recent Japanese economic history and the current state of the Japanese economy. We will consider what economic policymakers around the world can learn from...
Climate change often feels like a problem that our brains have been hardwired to ignore. Climate change is abstract and complex, making it hard for non-scientists (including policy-makers) to...
Researchers, policymakers, and publics look to science and technology to address some of society's most pressing challenges, from climate change to national security to economic growth. But such efforts are also...
This course is designed to familiarize students with core skills in data access, manipulation, analysis, and presentation using Excel (and Excel-like...