| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Rick Hall wins Excellence in Mentoring Award from APSA

Jul 19, 2021
Professor Rick Hall has won the Excellence in Mentoring Award from the Public Policy Section at American Political Science Association (APSA). The section established the award “to recognize sustained efforts by a senior scholar to encourage and...

2021 Ford School Spirit Day: Leading through crisis

Jul 15, 2021 1:01:00

Ali M. Berri (MPP ‘21), Stacy Dean (MPP '92), Portia Hemphill (PhD '15), and Alberto Rodriguez (MPA/MA '93) highlight the work of Ford School alumni during the pandemic and their leadership across a variety of policy areas. July, 2021.

In the Media

Hausman ponders U.S. inflation

Jul 15, 2021 The New York Times
As Japan's economy sputters and amid worries in the U.S. about inflation, an article in The New York Times wonders if low inflation is a quagmire. Ford School economics associate professor Joshua Hausman wonders if the Fed can intervene to avoid...

Dom Adams-Santos

Managing Director, Center for Racial Justice
Dr. Adams-Santos is a qualitative researcher who centers questions of sexuality, intimacy, and belonging in the digital era; in particular, how individuals navigate the racial, gender, and sexual politics of digital and urban landscapes in their search for intimacy and community.

Visiting fellows program

The visiting fellows program will become the center’s signature initiative, offering social justice changemakers (activists, artists, advocates, and scholars) a prestigious, highly competitive award designed to recognize their transformative...