| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Ford alum secures Peter Harbage Fellowship

May 21, 2021
For the first time ever, the Peter Harbage Fellowship has chosen a Ford School or University of Michigan alumni. Named in honor of Peter Harbage (MPP ‘93), the one-year fellowship provides fellows with “a year-long experience to deepen learning and...

Spring 2021 State & Hill

  You have to have a reputation for total integrity. You have to have a reputation for hard work, discipline. You have to have a capability of getting good people to work with you. President Gerald R. Ford in an interview with former Dean...

Javed Ali appointed associate professor of practice

May 18, 2021
National security expert Javed Ali has been appointed an associate professor of practice on the faculty of the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, effective August 30, 2021. Ali is currently a Towsley Foundation...

Nejat Seyhun: Insider Giving

May 17, 2021 0:59:20

“Insider giving” is a potent substitute for insider trading. Professor Seyhun and co-authors S. Burcu Avci, Cindy A. Schipani, and Andrew Verstein show that insider giving is far more widespread than previously believed.