| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Robert Hampshire appointed chief science officer at USDOT

Apr 23, 2021
Robert Hampshire will serve as the U.S. Department of Transportation's chief science officer, a role that has not been filled in more than 40 years. He was appointed assistant secretary for research and technology for the department, and will advise...

Record-setting day of giving for the Ford School

Apr 23, 2021
On March 10, the Ford School set a record for the most gifts made to the school in a single day. It was part of U-M’s Giving Blue Day celebration, a day devoted to philanthropy for U-M causes that people love most. Through emails, video, and...

Siting renewable energy in North America panel

Apr 20, 2021 1:15:00

Sarah Mills, Heather Millar, and Iñigo Martínez Peniche discuss the political challenges and opportunities associated with siting and building renewable energy projects in the United States, Canada and Mexico. April 2021.