| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Wolfers provides analysis, expectations for post-pandemic economy

Apr 22, 2021 NBC News
“Much of the gain of economic growth over recent decades has gone to capital rather than labor, and to the highly paid, rather than a broader group of workers,” Wolfers said. “A strong economy — and worker shortages — could help rebalance somewhat,...
In the Media

Rabe: Kerry needs strong U.S. environmental action to be successful

Apr 22, 2021 LaCroix
“For John Kerry to do his job well, the United States needs to be exemplary at home from an environmental perspective. However, this will not be easy because there is resistance to Joe Biden's climate ambitions, particularly in states, such as...

Safe swag pick-up and photo op for graduating Fordies

Apr 30, 2021, 9:00 am-2:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall back parking lot (off Oakland Ave)
Graduating Fordies: Come by for your commencement party in a bag, including yard signs, pompoms, balloons, and more! Appointments required. See details for registration information and health and safety expectations.