| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Harold Kohn biography

Harold Lewis Kohn and his twin sister, Arlene Susan, were born on April 1, 1945, at Sydenham Hospital in upper Manhattan, New York. They joined older sister, Lenore Barbara, the first child of Karl and Martha Sternberg Kohn. The Kohns emigrated...

Carol Kohn biography

Carol Anne Kakalec was born February 6, 1946, in Washington, DC, the second daughter of John and Juanita T. Kakalec. While stationed at Ft. Knox during World War II, John met Juanita Tharp at a Kentucky Derby party in 1942; they were married on...

Talent show (2021)

Apr 8, 2021, 7:00-8:00 pm EDT
Everyone has a talent, often hidden. Let them be hidden no more! Join the Ford School community for an all-school talent show. 

Ford School announces planning and core principles for fall 2021

Mar 19, 2021
On March 12, University leaders announced plans for the 2021-2022 academic year. Many details remain to be developed, but assuming continued positive trends in vaccination rates, we expect that the majority of University courses will be in person,...