Postdoctoral fellow Josh Basseches researches the power of investor-owned utilities on state climate policy. His opinion appeared in Grist.
Now that we’ve had a couple weeks to process all that went wrong in Texas, people are paying more...
“You tax the person who’s taking that barrel of oil out of the ground, so they’re going to sell that oil at a higher price to the refinery,” Hausman said to NPR...
A discussion with Ja'Bree J.A. Harris, Civic Engagement Manager for Detroit Action, where he has the opportunity to engage in the political process to craft policy to fight injustice and promote equity.
Developing Future Leaders in U.S.-Russia Relations
During this workshop, students will explore how the U.S. and European partners can work more closely to give Central and Southern European countries greater opportunities for growth and investment and provide a stable, resilient basis for the regions’ long-term development.
Professor Dean Yang will discuss the recent paper, “Aspirations and Financial Decisions: Experimental Evidence from the Philippines” and the myth of the “millionaire mindset.”
This course examines the policy issues of international trade, including trade in both goods and services and also international flows of direct investment and...