| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Student loan forgiveness proposals bad macro econ policy, says Wolfers

Dec 6, 2020 Chicago Tribune
Most of the [student loan debt] relief would go to people who don't need it and would merely sock it away. "This is the worst macro policy I've ever heard of," said Wolfers. It would make far more sense to funnel money to low-income and unemployed...
In the Media

Rabe: Investment in coal not part of American, global energy future

Dec 5, 2020 Casper Star Tribune
“There are going to be energy bills linked to that stimulus bill,” Rabe said. “And every state is going to be looking for the most advantageous terms. It’s really questionable that coal is going to be center stage in any kind of major stimulus...

Low-income education hard-hit by pandemic, says Dynarski

Dec 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the gaps between low-income and high-income students, according to an editorial in Science magazine by Ford School professor Sue Dynarski, written with Christopher Avery of Harvard and Sarah Turner from the...
In the Media

Stevenson worries about shrinking labor force

Dec 4, 2020 The Wall Street Journal
“If we don’t get all the workers back, we can never have a V-shaped recovery,” said Stevenson. “Everybody should be worried about making sure that we don’t leave workers...
In the Media

Wolfers says people need pandemic relief grants

Dec 2, 2020 NPR Marketplace
Grants should go to people, said Wolfers.  “Unlike previous recessions, we should really design the package around income support for the millions of people who are either without work or on incredibly reduced hours,” he said. You can read and...