This week, The Milbank Quarterly, a leading health policy journal, announced the formation of a new Editorial Advisory Board. The Gerald R. Ford School Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Paula Lantz will be one of 38 scholars who comprise the new...
Bond with fellow Fordies during your meetings and classes by wearing a spirited outfit, creating a unique Zoom background, or updating your name on Zoom to match our themes this week. Open to all Ford School faculty, staff, and students.
Beginning October 26th, join your fellow Fordies the Monday after each University of Michigan football game to break down the game's plays. Open to all Ford School staff, faculty, and students.
Contact: Daniel Rivkin, [email protected], +1-917-817-6323
The final debate:
ANN ARBOR — Experts at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan are available to discuss the range of national and Michigan-specific...
This event will feature Dr. Vivian S. Walker, Executive Director of the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, in conversation with Professor John Ciorciari, Director of the Weiser Diplomacy Center at the University of Michigan, with a welcome address by Rejaul Karim Laskar, representing the Global Forum for Scholars & Practitioners of Diplomacy.