| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Another stimulus will be needed, says Shaefer

Nov 9, 2020 Market Watch
The initial stimulus plan was “the best thing we’ve ever done for low-income families during an economic crisis and it’s not even close,” said Shaefer. “It’s quite clear we’re going to need another economic stimulus to help families at this time” to...
In the Media

Contesting 2020 Election, recounts won't change the result, says Ali

Nov 8, 2020 9&10 News
“President Trump again is just trying to cast doubt on the veracity of these results and leaving it open perhaps in his mind that somehow that there’s an ability to contest these results, ” said Ali. “Even if these results swing the other direction...
In the Media

Stange: Taking a COVID gap year? Have a plan to re-enroll in school

Nov 7, 2020 Bloomberg Wealth
Kevin Stange said students who have decided to take time off should create a “plan” to re-enroll in school, as a way to hold themselves accountable. “Most people are not the next Bill Gates and will be much better off having gone to college,” he...