| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Schwarz: The Republican Party due for a correction

Nov 12, 2020 Michigan Radio
“The Republican Party, in many ways, if you’re truly party faithful, has become cultish, and the demand is for allegiance and loyalty to the party ahead of allegiance and loyalty to the country. I don’t buy that. Nobody should, and that’s got to...
In the Media

Ali: Acting defense secretary Miller is not a political operative

Nov 9, 2020 Washington Post
Javed Ali, who preceded Miller as senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council, said that Miller is “not a political operative.”  “He’s got years of experience in the military and then the national security policy arena...
In the Media

Rabe: Fragile coalition of support exists for climate action

Nov 9, 2020 Vox
“I think Biden can assume that he would have some industry support to work with. This would require really careful political work to hold that supportive coalition together,” Rabe said. Read the full Vox article about Joe Biden's plans to fight...
In the Media

Another stimulus will be needed, says Shaefer

Nov 9, 2020 Market Watch
The initial stimulus plan was “the best thing we’ve ever done for low-income families during an economic crisis and it’s not even close,” said Shaefer. “It’s quite clear we’re going to need another economic stimulus to help families at this time” to...
In the Media

Contesting 2020 Election, recounts won't change the result, says Ali

Nov 8, 2020 9&10 News
“President Trump again is just trying to cast doubt on the veracity of these results and leaving it open perhaps in his mind that somehow that there’s an ability to contest these results, ” said Ali. “Even if these results swing the other direction...