| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

Rabe runs election scenarios and impact on climate action

Oct 30, 2020 EnviroLink
If Trump wins: “In a second Trump administration, we are likely to see executive action that is even bolder, even more aggressive, and probably doing everything imaginable to pump up oil and gas production as a strategy for economic recovery,” said...

Make sure your voice is heard this election! Vote

Nov 2, 2020 0:00:59

Make sure your voice is heard this election! The UMMA is open for same-day voter registration and all early voting needs. Visit GoVote.UMich.edu for voting resources and help UMich win the Big Ten Voting Challenge.

Measuring Liberal Arts: Creating an index for higher education

Nov 13, 2020, 2:00-3:30 pm EST
The seminars feature path-breaking projects seeking to develop and refine measures of undergraduate education, and especially its liberal arts components, and to determine its impact on the present and future lives of students.