| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


                      A Century of Impact In 1913, Jesse S. Reeves, chair of the University of Michigan's political science department, responded to America's frustrations with government inefficiency and...
In the Media

Rabe runs election scenarios and impact on climate action

Oct 30, 2020 EnviroLink
If Trump wins: “In a second Trump administration, we are likely to see executive action that is even bolder, even more aggressive, and probably doing everything imaginable to pump up oil and gas production as a strategy for economic recovery,” said...

Make sure your voice is heard this election! Vote

Nov 2, 2020 0:00:59

Make sure your voice is heard this election! The UMMA is open for same-day voter registration and all early voting needs. Visit GoVote.UMich.edu for voting resources and help UMich win the Big Ten Voting Challenge.

Measuring Liberal Arts: Creating an index for higher education

Nov 13, 2020, 2:00-3:30 pm EST
The seminars feature path-breaking projects seeking to develop and refine measures of undergraduate education, and especially its liberal arts components, and to determine its impact on the present and future lives of students.