PubPol 587 PubPol 587: Public Management: Managing Policy and Project Implementation Amy Harris Once a policy is passed or a project selected, the hard work of implementation...
PubPol 587 PubPol 587: Public Management: External Control of Police Organizations David Thacher As a matter of constitutional design, authority over public organizations in the...
PubPol 587 PubPol 587: Public Management: Leadership Skills for Mission-Driven Organizations In today's complex and dynamic world, leadership is in demand at all levels of every...
PubPol 587 PubPol 587: Public Management: Strategic Communication for Advocacy Instructor: Ali Webb, Founder and Principal, Ali Webb...
PubPol 587 PubPol 587: Public Management: Fundraising Strategies for Nonprofits Katherine Walsh Social change cannot occur without an infusion of financial resources particularly as the public service sector does not have the financial capital to invest in solving every pressing social...
PubPol 587 PubPol 587: Public Management: Policy & Management in the Nonprofit Sector Instructor: Neel Hajra, the President & CEO at the Ann Arbor Area Community...
PubPol 586 PubPol 586: Public Management: Performance Management in International Organizations Amy Harris The Ford School defines leadership as, "the behavioral process of having a positive impact on individuals, organizations, and...
PubPol 586 PubPol 586: Public Management: Police Reform as Strategic Management David Thacher This course will use the case of police reform to explore the concept and practice of strategic management in public...
PubPol 586 PubPol 586: Public Management: Performance Management Barry Rabe This course will examine issues of performance measurement and management in the context of public sector agencies in the United...
PubPol 586 PubPol 586: Public Management: Performance Management Megan Tompkins-Stange The main objectives of this course are to enhance your ability to think analytically and write clearly about managerial...