| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Goldenberg urges students to vote

Aug 4, 2020
In advance of Michigan’s August 4 primary election, the University of Michigan’s nonpartisan group Turn Up Turnout  (TUT)  continued to encourage students to vote. Ford School professor Edie Goldenberg, who was instrumental in starting TUT, spoke...

Dynarski: “The U.S. is reopening many of the wrong schools”

Aug 4, 2020
Ford School professor Sue Dynarski writes in a column for The New York Times that with coronavirus cases spiking in dozens of states, the prospect of anything resembling a normal school year is fading fast. Schools can’t safely reopen if infections...

Grade inflation can cause real harm according to Courant

Aug 4, 2020
"Everybody's grades are getting better every year," according to Paul Courant, Ford School professor. "When I went to college, a B+ average was considered to be quite good. Now in many places, it's not seen that way." Grade inflation prevents a...

Community resources

View the Intranet - https://intranet.fordschool.umich.edu Learn more about our back to school plan. Reserve a room or learn more about our...

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Alumni spotlight

Brandy Johnson (MPP ‘09) makes college accessible in Michigan

Jul 29, 2020
Increasing college access has been a top priority for Brandy Johnson (MPP '09). What started as a $2 million grant application Johnson was asked to write during her Ford School internship with Governor Granholm evolved into the highly successful...