| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
PUBPOL 720/SI 621

PUBPOL 720/SI 621: Information, Ethics, and Applied Policy

The information revolution and the expanding use of information technology within all organizations, profit and non-profit, public and private, has created an environment in which access to massive quantities of information, at startling speeds,...

PUBPOL 732: Public Policy in Post-Secondary Education

In the first part of the course you will be introduced to some of the analytic frameworks and conceptual theories used to study American public policy making and you will learn how these models were applied to a classic public policy...

PUBPOL 746: Social Welfare Policy

During the twentieth century, the U.S. both saw the development of a social welfare system to serve nonelderly families and a subsequent dramatic overhaul of the cash welfare part of that...
PubPol 778

PubPol 778: Project Skills Workshop

Elisabeth Gerber
This is a professional skills workshop that will be required for students enrolled in the Applied Policy Seminar (APS, PP578) and open to other MPP/ Master’s student. To be offered each semester, concurrent with the...