This course introduces students to sociological approaches to studying social inequality and public policy in the United States. Major course topics include inequalities related to neighborhoods, family, and...
This course will provide an introduction to ethical issues within public policy. We will begin the course by studying some classic texts of moral philosophy which take up questions about how we ought to live and what we owe to...
Detroit was the nation’s most important city in the Twentieth Century because the auto industry, the emergence of the blue collar middle class and development of the New Deal. Now it is the most negatively stereotyped city in the...
What goes on in city government is in many ways more important to our lives than what happens in Washington. This course goes beyond the structure and theory of municipal government to look at how things really happen at the local...
What goes on in city government is in many ways more important to our lives than what happens in Washington. This course goes beyond the structure and theory of municipal government to look at how things really happen at the local...
This course will focus on public health in the developing world from the perspective of the social sciences, drawing on economics, demography, political science and...
This course surveys what we do and don't know about economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. We begin by discussing alternative perspectives on the goals of...
This course will consider the capacity of North American political institutions to shape effective environmental protection policies, devoting primary emphasis to the United States but also examining Canada and...