Cheers, Ford School alumni and friends! You are invited to attend the inaugural Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day on July 14 at a festive establishment in a city near you. Just what is Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day?
A Conference Sponsored by:
Wayne State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Michigan Suburbs Alliance
Wayne State University Center for Urban Studies
University of Michigan Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy
Michigan State University Land Policy Program
Citizens Research Council
Michigan Municipal League
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
The goal of this conference is to contribute to building a community focused on education policy research that brings together researchers from different departments and schools who are studying education policy from a variety of perspectives. We hope that this conference will stimulate new discussions and collaborations, which will ultimately foster even more high quality education policy research at UM. The conference will take place on Monday, April 28th from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm in the Tribute Room in the the School of Education.
Over 35 experts from a wide variety of disciplines and organizations gathered in Ann Arbor on March 14 and 15 to begin planning efforts to address the future of regional economic development in the Great Lakes meta-region. Co-hosted by the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program and the Gerald R. Ford School's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the University of Michigan, the conference took a visionary approach to large scale regional economic development.
The Global Urban Symposium is a multidisciplinary forum at the University of Michigan with a focus on urban metropolises. The Symposium is hosted by the Ross School of Business and its Net Impact organization, with financial support from CLOSUP and other organizations. This day-long conference explores the role that the private, public and non-profit sectors play in addressing the challenges facing cities around the globe. This year's conference will include sessions featuring leaders of major companies and organizations.
Michigan's economy and the effects of its current tax structure and social policy are the focus of a 2004 Colloquium Series entitled Trends and Prospects in the Michigan Economy. Beginning in March, the series hosts experts from at least four in-state universities: Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and Eastern Michigan University.
Overview Michigan's economy and the effects of its current tax structure and social policy are the focus of a 2004 Colloquium Series entitled Trends and Prospects in the Michigan Economy. Scheduled to begin in March, the series will host experts from at least four in-state universities: Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and Eastern Michigan University.
Download the associated policy report (pdf).
In collaboration with the University of Michigan Business School's Office of Tax Policy Research, CLOSUP sponsored a research conference on November 22, 2002 entitled 'Privatization: Issues of State and Local Public Infrastructure.' The conference brought together leading scholars in public policy and economics from across the U.S.
Summary CLOSUP co-sponsored the 2005 version of the annual State Politics and Policy Conference, along with State Politics and Policy Quarterly and the Department of Political Science at Michigan State University.