Free and open to the public. The Pakistani Students' Association at the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor is hosting a day-long conference on Pakistan. Distinguished panelists will include experts on Pakistani politics and political economy. The panelists are S. Akbar Zaidi, an economist and expert on political economy of Pakistan; Sadia Saeed of Yale University; Amb.
Video: 1:00:58
Jason DeParle of the New York Times. Remarks by U-M professors Sandra K. Danziger and Alford Young, Jr. Moderated by Professor Sheldon Danziger.
Kathryn Edin, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania; Maria Kefalas, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Co-sponsored by the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan.
William Collins, Vanderbilt University and The Long Run Economic Impact of the 1992 Los Angeles Riot. Justin McCrary, University of Michigan.
Read the Paper
OverviewFourteen papers will be presented by leading economists and other social scientists on the relationship between the macroeconomy, policy changes, poverty rates, and the extent of economic need. The papers, commissioned by the National Poverty Center, utilize the most current available data to explore topics such as:The boom of the 1990s: how fully – and in what ways – were less-skilled persons able to take advantage of this economic expansion? What were the limits to poverty reduction through economic expansion?