The theme of the Congress is 'Rethinking the Role of the State: Responses to Recent Challenges.' The plenary lectures will focus on how the tools and methods of Public Economics and related disciplines can serve to understand the issues.
Learn more and register.
During his 33-year Foreign Service career Christopher Hill served as an ambassador to Macedonia, Poland, South Korea and, most recently, Iraq. Ambassador Hill was part of the team that negotiated the Bosnian Peace Settlement in 1995, headed the U.S.
The conference discussed theoretical, empirical and policy papers. The suggested topics included, but were not limited to, the following:
Formality and Informality (Competition or Market Power) Gender and Other Discrimination Labor Market Flexibility Globalization, Foreign Investment, and Labor Standards Structuring Safety Nets Demographic Issues
Global Policy Perspectives Syimposium: Effects of the US Election on the European Union
Click here for a poster of all 2008-2009 Global Policy Perspectives Sympoisa with the featured speakers.
On February 25, sixty alumni from the University of Michigan and other American universities gathered in Paris to network and to learn about European and United States leadership in this time of economic crisis from Jan Svejnar, Director of the International Policy Center at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
Svejnar, the Everett E. Berg Professor of Business Administration, and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Michigan, laid out the causes of the current crisis, its implications for the financial and political systems of both the U.S.