| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

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Fed stays cautious on recovery stimulus

Jul 31, 2014
"It would be hard to make a strong case at this point that the economy is roaring out of a slow recovery," Kathryn Dominguez says in the Bankrate.com article by Allison Ross, "Federal Reserve preview: No summer blockbuster." The article notes that...

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Resume collections

Graduate Career Services is pleased to provide you with a MPP/MPA electronic resume collection to assist your organization in recruiting top candidates from the Ford School. If you are recruiting for a specific position, please feel free to email...


At the Ford School, we recruit students who have demonstrated potential to be leaders and agents of change in a field that is evolving at unprecedented speed. We seek students who have a team-oriented approach to problem solving, who are capable of...

The Centennial Reunion

One hundred years ago, we offered the nation's first advanced degree for aspiring public administrators. This year, our centennial year, we're celebrating 100 years of impact with a reunion to remember. Join us!

Take your professor to lunch

Aug 14, 2014
On March 19th, 2014, Ford School students Maron Alemu and Analidis Ochoa took professor Luke Shaefer to lunch at the Michigan League as part of the Ford School's "take a faculty member to lunch" program. Shaefer, an assistant professor at the School...

Guiding American math education reform

Jul 25, 2014
Ford School Professor David Cohen and his wife, Magdalene Lampert, cited in Elizabeth Green's July 23 New York Times Magazine article, "Why Do Americans Stink at Math?"; the article will be published in the Sunday print edition.American teachers,...

Kevin Stange awarded Spencer Foundation grant

Jul 24, 2014
Ford School professor Kevin Stange has been awarded a $49,854 grant from the Spencer Foundation to study the effects of tuition deregulation on public high school graduates in Texas. The grant comes through the foundation's Education and Social...

Our World Needs Pioneers

Nov 1, 2013
A single gift can make a difference, and gifts to the Ford School yield impressive returns.The Annenberg Professorship, established to honor the life and legacy of President Ford, enabled the Ford School to attract and retain Brian Jacob, a rising...