| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Guiding American math education reform

Jul 25, 2014
Ford School Professor David Cohen and his wife, Magdalene Lampert, cited in Elizabeth Green's July 23 New York Times Magazine article, "Why Do Americans Stink at Math?"; the article will be published in the Sunday print edition.American teachers,...

Kevin Stange awarded Spencer Foundation grant

Jul 24, 2014
Ford School professor Kevin Stange has been awarded a $49,854 grant from the Spencer Foundation to study the effects of tuition deregulation on public high school graduates in Texas. The grant comes through the foundation's Education and Social...

Our World Needs Pioneers

Nov 1, 2013
A single gift can make a difference, and gifts to the Ford School yield impressive returns.The Annenberg Professorship, established to honor the life and legacy of President Ford, enabled the Ford School to attract and retain Brian Jacob, a rising...

Carbon tax might work, if revenue funds renewables

Jul 23, 2014
A July 21 report released by Barry Rabe, director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), and collaborators at the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, "Public Views on a Carbon Tax Depend on the Proposed Use of...

Collins Vereen family kick-starts new funds with $25,000 gift

Apr 22, 2014
New endowed funds for student support The Ford School has created two new permanent endowment funds to help commemorate the Ford School's Centennial; 100 years of public policy at UM. These funds give alumni and friends the chance to contribute...

The Trehan Family Ford School Fund

Jul 21, 2014
The Trehans came to the University of Michigan from India in 1964 with about $1,000. Mrs. Adarsh Trehan, now a Ford School Committee member, received a master's degree in Political Science from the University of Michigan. Ranvir Trehan, who studied...

Worldwide Spirit Day marks Ford School centennial

Jul 21, 2014
Ford School students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends around the world celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the school's founding on July 10, 2014. Major celebrations took place in Ann Arbor, Washington D.C. and Chicago, and smaller Spirit...

Laura K. Lee

Director of Public Affairs, Office of Public Affairs
An alum of the Ford School (MPP '96), Laura has decades of experience in strategic communications, public sector and academic advocacy, crisis communications, digital strategy, and leadership. Laura was the Ford School's first director of…

Jennifer Niggemeier

Managing Director, Leadership Initiative
Jennifer Niggemeier brings 20+ years of experience in working with current and future policy leaders. Jennifer leads a global team of 20+ executive leadership coaches delivering individual and group coaching to masters students, and designs and…
Faculty by courtesy

Kristin Seefeldt

Associate Professor of Social Work; Associate Professor of Public Policy; Associate Faculty Director for Educational Programs
Seefeldt’s primary research interests lie in exploring how low-income individuals understand their situations, particularly around issues related to work and economic well being. Currently, she is conducting research on families’ financial coping strategies and is a Principal Investigator of a survey examining the effects of the recession and recovery policies on individuals’ well being.