| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Michigan Chronicle interviews Rabe on fracking in Michigan

Jan 21, 2013
The Michigan Chronicle interviewed Barry Rabe for its story on hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." Fracking is a process by which oil and gas companies inject chemical fluids or sand into underground shale rock formations in order to free deposits...

Local leaders: Funding reforms needed to avoid service cuts

Jan 30, 2013
Local government leaders in Michigan report that the way their jurisdictions are funded requires significant reform to maintain services in the wake of the Great Recession, according to a University of Michigan survey.Fewer than half of local...

Ford School mourns the loss of Michael D. Cohen

Feb 4, 2013
*Information about Michael's memorial service*Michael D. Cohen, a professor emeritus of public policy and of information, passed away on February 2, 2013 at the age of 67.Michael was a founding faculty member of the Ford School's predecessor, the...